This eroded marble sculpture (which probably dates from about 1880) sits on an obviously newer, and not very well matched, base. The sculpture itself is a bit unusual: Father Pitt cannot recall having seen another angel-in-book composition.
Keenan Angel, Highwood Cemetery
Rook Column, Allegheny Cemetery
Scaife Mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery
The Scaifes are intertwined with the Mellons, making them very rich. This mausoleum was built for them in 1914, and it is still in use: billionaire news mogul Richard Mellon Scaife, who patterned his life after the movie Citizen Kane, is its most recent resident, having been laid to rest here in 2014.
The stained-glass angel inside is very good; Father Pitt regrets that he does not know the artist.
McCandless-Johnston Monument, Allegheny Cemetery
Phipps-Loomis Angel, Allegheny Cemetery