Tag: Angels

  • Keenan Angel, Highwood Cemetery

    This eroded marble sculpture (which probably dates from about 1880) sits on an obviously newer, and not very well matched, base. The sculpture itself is a bit unusual: Father Pitt cannot recall having seen another angel-in-book composition.

  • Rook Column, Allegheny Cemetery

    An elaborate Corinthian column erected in 1881 for Alexander Rook, an editor of the late lamented Dispatch. The recording angel is a particularly good one, and figures of hope and faith flank the column.

  • Scaife Mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery

    The Scaifes are intertwined with the Mellons, making them very rich. This mausoleum was built for them in 1914, and it is still in use: billionaire news mogul Richard Mellon Scaife, who patterned his life after the movie Citizen Kane, is its most recent resident, having been laid to rest here in 2014.

    The stained-glass angel inside is very good; Father Pitt regrets that he does not know the artist.

  • McCandless-Johnston Monument, Allegheny Cemetery

    A particularly tasteful monument from 1924. The classical form might be almost severe, but the lettering gives us a hint of Art Deco, and the bronze angel seems very inviting. “Major McCandless likes it on the other side,” the angel seems to say. “I think you will, too.”

  • Phipps-Loomis Angel, Allegheny Cemetery

    Ibrealla Loomis Phipps died in 1888 at the age of 26, and that is probably about the date of this very 1880s recording angel.