Tag: Angels

  • Weber Angel, Homewood Cemetery

    A flower-strewing angel steps forward from a rustic boulder. The first Weber was buried in this plot in 1887, and that may be about the date of this monument.

  • Morris Mausoleum, Homewood Cemetery

    A vigorous sculpture with a swirling upward motion appropriately illustrates the quotation from 1 Thessalonians 4:14. The quotation itself, however, is ungrammatically mangled in the inscription. The full verse is this: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” The stonecutter, doubtless believing he had detected the King James translators in a solecism, inscribed, “They which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him.” But the translators were right and the stonecutter was wrong; he has made nonsense of the verse.

    George W. Morris, the first occupant of this mausoleum, died in 1899; it may have been put up for him some years before that.

    Father Pitt assumes that the base of the sculpture is supposed to represent a cloudy whirlwind, but it could also be a pile of dirty laundry.

  • Fromm Monument, St. John Vianney Parish Cemetery


    An angel seems to be gazing in wonder at a cross, which would be theologically correct and profound. She is probably a dealer’s stock model, but she is a good one, and well preserved.

    Herr Fromm (the name is illegible on his marble headstone) died in 1894, so that is probably about the date of this monument.

    Note the stock stones with “Father” and “Mother,” but inscriptions in German.

  • Fischer Monument, St. John Vianney Parish Cemetery

    An angel holding a cross leans slightly forward, as if she might descend from her high pedestal at any moment. Father Pitt hopes he does not need to offer an apology for publishing so many images of this beautiful angel, whose industry-smudged face makes him love her all the more; he visited her on a sunny day and on a gloomy day, and thought you might like to see her in both lights.

  • Hipple Angel, Homewood Cemetery

    An angel in high relief stands before a rustic boulder and drops lily flowers on the Hipples’ graves. The earliest burial in this plot seems to be Marion F. Hipple, who died in 1899, and that is a good guess at the date of this angel.