A big marble cross on a rustic base, with the inscription on an open book on the base. As with most monuments sold as “marble” in the 1800s, it was made from soft limestone that has eroded badly, so that the decorations on the cross are almost obliterated. The inscriptions are also weathering away, but right now they are still mostly legible. Meanwhile, the base, made of a different stone, still shows every chisel mark as sharply as when it was installed.

A. Moeslein
May 13, 1824
June 15, 1898
L. B. Moeslein
June 14, 1834
Mar. 18[?], 1886
A. E. Moeslein
Apr. 29, 1858
July 1, 1912
Rose Moeslein
Freb. 21, 1860
July 17, 1931