Old Pa Pitt is going to call this style Romanesque because of the medieval columns, rusticated stone, and rounded lintel; but it is perhaps a bit of a mixed metaphor in style. Like most of the mausoleums in the unguarded South Side Cemetery, it has lost its bronze doors, which have been replaced with ugly concrete blocks.
Williams Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
Christian Wilbert Mausoleum, Mount Lebanon Cemetery
Both the mausoleum and the statue on top are identical to the Braun mausoleum in the South Side Cemetery, suggesting that the mausoleum and statue came as a set. This one is missing its bronze doors.
More of the Koegler Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
In a different lighting from the previous pictures.
Braun Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
The mausoleum and statue are both stock items, but good ones, although the mausoleum does give the impression of having been assembled from a kit of mass-produced parts. The same mausoleum (with statue) can be found in the Mount Lebanon Cemetery as the resting place of Christian Wilbert.
Koegler Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
An unusual Romanesque design, though with a little point at the top of the arch to suggest the Gothic in case you don’t like Romanesque.