A modest rustic temple with Doric columns. Like most mausoleums in the South Side Cemetery, it has lost its bronze doors, and the gap has been filled with concrete blocks.
Kauffeld Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
Lewin Mausoleum, West View Cemetery
A simple rustic mausoleum, probably a stock model, immaculately kept, like everything in the West View Cemetery.
Jacques Weil Mausoleum, West View Cemetery
A very simple mausoleum whose visual interest comes mostly from the rusticated blocks, and their contrast with the finished doorframe.
G. S. Wheeler Mausoleum, South Side Cemetery
An almost cartoonishly bulky and substantial rustic mausoleum, missing its bronze doors, which have been replaced by ugly concrete blocks. We can imagine that it must have looked much more inviting with artistic bronze doors and flower arrangements dripping over the edges of the urns.
John Schmotzer Mausoleum, St. Michael’s Cemetery
This is the only mausoleum in the cemetery [correction: it is one of two; note the kind comment below], a typical small rusticated-stone mausoleum. Originally it would have had bronze doors, but those are usually stolen from an unguarded cemetery and sold to scrap dealers who obviously have no idea where two men with a pickup truck might have got a large door-shaped chunk of bronze.