A large bronze relief depicts the empty tomb of Jesus on Easter morning, with two astonished women confronted by an angel who points outward and upward.

A large bronze relief depicts the empty tomb of Jesus on Easter morning, with two astonished women confronted by an angel who points outward and upward.
A slim and elegant Art Deco stele with a lily-bearing angel, this monument is a bit of a puzzle. The style is of the 1930s or thereabouts, but the two people commemorated both died in the 1860s, before the Homewood Cemetery existed. One can only presume that their descendants made a pile of money and decided to remember them properly.
The life-size statue is unusually positioned, so that she always blocks the view of the name “Stiver”; but then James P. Stiver’s name is clearly visible above her head, so we may allow her that artistic license. The monument stands in the shade of substantial trees, and the statue is posed so naturally that she can create the impression of a real woman who has momentarily paused at the Stiver monument. She nearly made old Pa Pitt jump out of his skin.
The flower-strewing mourner is nearly identical to the one on the Potts monument in the Mount Lebanon Cemetery—so nearly identical, in fact, that they almost certainly came from the same monument company. Even the hands are broken off in the same places; the wrists are obviously a structural weakness of the design.
An imposing and convincing bronze portrait of Mr. Wallace tops this monument, erected in 1900. It is a great pity that no one seems to know who the sculptor was, but it is cheering to see that he or she remembered to provide Mr. Wallace with a stack of books to take with him into the afterlife. He was a contractor, and that may be a set of blueprints in his lap.