A monument in a sort of Jewish Romanesque style, with a Star of David worked into the relief. Compare it to the very similar, but explicitly Christian, Jenkins monument in the Homewood Cemetery.

A monument in a sort of Jewish Romanesque style, with a Star of David worked into the relief. Compare it to the very similar, but explicitly Christian, Jenkins monument in the Homewood Cemetery.
An upward-pointing angel bears a palm frond, symbol of victory. The angel confidently points the direction in which the victorious Fords are headed.
A romantic broken column, with statue, in memory of Margaret, Fannie W., and Dr. James A. Potts.
Here lie the earthly remains of Pittsburg Phil, as George E. Smith was known when he moved to Chicago.
The Union Dale Cemetery is full of colorful characters who grew rich in shady businesses—Allegheny was a notoriously corrupt city, and indeed one of the arguments often advanced by advocates of “Greater Pittsburgh” was that Allegheny needed a dose of good clean Pittsburgh government. We pause for the requisite howls of laughter.
Pittsburg Phil was less shady than many: he merely bet on horses, and he made millions doing so. He was famously impassive and disdained corruption of any sort. He commissioned this mausoleum when he was still in his thirties, doubtless imagining many years of satisfaction ahead of him in knowing that his final resting place would be one of the most elegant in the Union Dale Cemetery. In fact he died in 1905 at the age of forty-three. The cemetery’s site has his whole story, which is fascinating.
The statue on top is a portrait of the man himself, clutching a Racing Form. It was commissioned by his mother some time after his death. The fact that his urns are always filled with beautiful plantings suggests that even now, more than a century later, there are people who treasure the memory of Pittsburg Phil. Inside is a simple but elegant stained-glass window.
“Huge” is probably the best single word to describe this construction. The mausoleum itself is massive, and it supports a towering column with a larger-than-life statue of a recording angel by Henry Jackson Ellicott at the top. If you were considering any sort of misbehavior in this section of the Union Dale Cemetery, remember that the guardian of the Duncans is taking notes.
The structure was designed by the noted architect Theophilus P. Chandler. Chandler was the Thaw family’s favorite architect, and he designed two of Pittsburgh’s prominent churches: First Presbyterian downtown and Third Presbyterian in Shadyside.