Visitors from all over the world come to St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery to pay homage to one resident: Andy Warhol, son of Andrew and Julia Warhola (whose monument we see in the background). They come bearing gifts, and it is rare to find the otherwise unassuming monument undecorated. Campbell’s Soup cans are de rigeur, of course, but people who know something about Andy also bring rosaries. Andy Warhol was, in his own strange way, a devout Byzantine Catholic to the end of his life.
This Byzantine cemetery in Castle Shannon is near the Washington Junction station, where the Blue and Silver Lines meet. It is not at all hard to find Warhol’s grave in the cemetery. Just look for the cameras, and they will point the way.

It would have delighted Warhol to know that, as he rests in peace, his eternal slumber is livestreamed to the whole world.