Frew Monument, Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh

Oil baron William Frew died in 1880, and this monument was put up in 1882. The sculpture, of the mourner-and-consoler genre, is a very good one, if a little chunky in the 1880s manner. Father Pitt does not know the meaning of the motto “Straight down the middle,” but he suspects it has something to do with drilling for oil. He would be grateful if someone could enlighten him. UPDATE: A kind comment from Lisa Speranza (see below) tells us that the words refer—of course—to golf, a game of which Mr. Frew was very fond.

The monument is surrounded by mature boxwoods, the scent of which old Pa Pitt finds delightful. Some people hate it.

2 responses to “Frew Monument, Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh”

  1. Firs tof all – this site is awesome. Thanks for the lovely postings! With regards to the “straight down the middle” notation on the Frew monument —- the origin of that is that he was an avid golfer, and had it added to the monument as a testament to the game.

    • Thank you very much for this information. It sounded so much like something an oil prospector might say that old Pa Pitt hadn’t even considered the possibility of golf. Or bowling. Now he feels as though he knows Mr. Frew a little better.

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