who departed this life
Dec 6th 1828 Aged 55 years
Bleſsed are the dead who die in the
Lord they rest from their labours; and
thir [sic] works do follow them
Broken in two but otherwise well preserved, this is a very good example of a ledger-type horizontal marker. The epitaph is an abridged version of Revelation 14:13. Note the long S in “Blessed”: although the long S was for all practical purposes extinct in print by the 1820s, it was still taught in handwriting copybooks that the first S in a double-S pair should be a long S.
One response to “Moses Coulter Tombstone, Bethany Cemetery”
[…] completely convinced that these were ledger stones, meant to lie flat. Compare, for example, the Moses Coulter stone, and note the almost identical beveling. These have been much better preserved by raising them […]