Tag: Classical

  • Frank-Klee Mausoleum, West View Cemetery

    Frank-Klee Mausoleum

    The extra width gives the mausoleum room for more inmates, but it does not seem to have been worked into the design well. It looks as though the Franks and Klees ordered a standard Doric temple, quite correct in its proportions, and then as an afterthought added wings.

    The stained glass is very pretty.

    Stained glass in the Frank-Klee mausoleum
  • Weil Mausoleum, West View Cemetery

    Stained-glass menorah in the Weil mausoleum

    A simplified Doric mausoleum in the style of the early to middle twentieth century. The stained-glass menorah is doubtless a standard catalogue item, but it is well executed.

    Weil mausoleum
  • Schwartz-Black Monument, Homewood Cemetery

    Schwartz-Black Monument

    Here is a family plot that seems laid out for ancestor-worshiping rituals. The massive classical monument dominates the plot from the rear; in front of it is a classical altar where the descendants could kneel and offer their sacrifices. The older members of the family are named Schwartz; at about the time of the First World War, the younger ones adopted the easy Americanization of Black.

  • Andrews Mausoleum, Union Dale Cemetery

    Andrews mausoleum

    A richly detailed example of Renaissance classicism, with rusticated blocks, arched entrance, “modern Ionic” columns (that is, Ionic columns with volutes at the four corners of the capitals), and flanking urns.

  • Schreiner Mausoleum, Union Dale Cemetery

    Schreiner mausoleum

    A large and luxurious classical structure with a prominent cupola topped by a statue of Hope shaking her fist at heaven. At least that is how old Pa Pitt always reads the statue: it is certainly Hope (the anchor is her ID card), and Father Pitt doesn’t know what else to make of the raised-fist salute.

    Statue of Hope

    Ornate monograms flank the entrance arch.